Monday, October 29, 2007

Poetry Assignment Podcasts

For the last session of College Writing I, students were asked to read four lines of a poem they liked and to explain why they liked it. Here are the last Fall 2007 College Writing I podcasts. Thanks for a great term, everyone!
Bigger Classroom #18 - Linda's Poem Selection

Linda chose Theodore Roethke's "The Waking" for this assignment

Bigger Classroom #19 - Hank's Poetry Excerpt

Hank chose the poem "A Dream" by Edgar Allen Poe for this assignment. The full text of the poem can be read at the University of Toronto's Representative Poetry Online website:

Bigger Classroom #20 - Dawn's Message

Dawn chose the poem "Progressive Health" by Carl Dennis. It's a real "carpe diem" gem, and you can read the work in full at the Poetry Out Loud website of the National Recitation Project:

Bigger Classroom #21 - Nate's Message

Nate chose a poem excerpt, "Make a memory with your children..." for the assignment. I believe the work is unpublished and by a writer Nate knows personally.

Bigger Classroom #22 - Beth's Message

For the poem excerpt assignment, Beth chose "Letter to the Dead" by Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna. (It can be found in The Conscious Reader 567-568)

Bigger Classroom #23 - Nick's Poem Selection

Nick chose the poem, "The Rose That Grew from Concrete" by Tupac Shakur.

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