Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Individual and Community Podcasts

For today's reading response, I asked students to record a phone message of two or three sentences describing what they thought the individual's responsibility to his or her community is, and what they thought society's responsibility to the community was. The answers have been wonderful, succinct, nuggets about civic and social duty.

Bigger Classroom #37 - Matt's Individual and Community Podcast

Matt argues for random acts of kindness, and suggests helping people as a first step to community involvement.

Bigger Classroom #38 - Jeff's Individual and Community Podcast

Jeff outlines the responsibilities of the individual to contribute to the well being of the community, and the community's responsibility to provide law enforcement, maintain roads, and provide quality education for everyone.

Bigger Classroom #39 - Patricia's Individual and Community Podcast

Patricia suggests that it's the individual's responsibility to help the community as best he can--for example, paying taxes and volunteering--and the community's responsibility to provide things like food, heat, or a wheelchair ramp if the individual can't provide them for himself.

Bigger Classroom #40 - Dawn's Individual and Community Podcast

Dawn argues that everyone should be a committed member of society, from brain surgeons and nuclear physicists down to the ordinary person, and that society's responsibility is to make sure that every single individual is taken care of.

Bigger Classroom #41 - Hank's Individual and Community Podcast

Hank believes that the individual's responsibility is to be an integral part of the of group and to contribute to the greater good of the community, and so far as they are able, not to be a liability or a burden. The community's responsibility is to protect the individual's Constitutional rights, and contribute to the greater good of the individual.

Bigger Classroom #42 - Linda Moody's Individual and Community Podcasts

Linda believes the individual's responsibility is to be fair to all other individuals and not discriminate, and that society's responsibility is the same--to not look down on people with less money, for example, as so often happens.

Bigger Classroom #43 - Linda May's Individual and Community Podcast

Linda framed her response neatly in a way that focuses on mutual support. The individual's responsibility to his or her community is to encourage and support the community's members, help their neighbors, and to be proactive in the community. The community's responsibility is to encourage members to take responsibility for their actions and to support themselves.

Bigger Classroom #44 - Bonnie's Individual and Community Podcast

Bonnie says the individual's responsibility to community is to be as self-sufficient as possible, and to help others while being honorable and ethical. Society's responsibility is to be trustworthy and dependable in upholding the duties entrusted to them.

Bigger Classroom #45 - Nate's Podcast

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