In order to provide you with your money's worth of educational experiences in College Writing II, I will be providing you with two options for deeper discussion of Nikolai Gogol's classic story "The Overcoat."
Option A: Answer two discussion questions about "The Overcoat" (which will be posted on the blog) using the Comments link, and then respond to one of the comments that someone else has left to one of the discussion questions.
Option B: Use the write a "Five Minute Paper" and respond to a classmate's 5 Minute Paper.
Whichever option you choose, please complete your initial response by midnight on Saturday, December 15th, and and reply to a classmate's response by noon on Monday, December 17th.
I believe that having the overcoat for Akakii made him a better person. It gave him the confidence that he did not have when he had his old coat.It showed him that saving for something worthwhile or something that you need is a neccessity. It also showed him that it doen't matter what you have, it cna be goe in a split second and there is nothing you can do about it.
Response to Jeff Question 1
I think you are correct that the sacrifices Akakii made changed his values, and self esteem. The sacrifices made him a better person, because he found a way to get what he needed without help. The fact that it changed his values is difficult to access. It doesn’t seem wrong to have more self esteem and enjoy the company of your peers. His ghost was the one that was not a better person, because it wanted revenge. Maybe it was the officials who really pushed him over the edge, because they humiliated him.
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